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Greetings & blessings from the Staff and Elders of Reston Bible Church! Here’s a look at what’s coming up over the next few busy weeks.
We will be participating in the End Hunger Campaign sponsored by Safeway, and we need volunteers to pick up non-perishable food from the Countryside and Sterling Park stores any time on Mondays and Fridays through December. If you can help, please go to myRBC and search for the group “Food Pantry Pick-Ups.” Once in that group, look in the “Need” tab and you can sign yourself up for whatever days work for you. This food will be a blessing to our pantry guests during the holiday season! E-mail Betsy Madden with questions.
Sr. High is hosting BRING IT! on December 12, our largest outreach of the year and the biggest talent competition in Fairfax and Loudon County. We NEED YOUR HELP to get the word out to young people you may know who could compete. High school students can enter as 1) a school-sponsored group (drum line, drama or dance team, etc.) or 2) an individual or group (garage-band, tap-dancer, soloist, etc.). There is a $1,000 prize (school group) and a $500 prize (individual/group). Even more importantly, we will share the Gospel that night to a Sanctuary full of high schoolers!. Please pass on this video promo link and the link to sign up Auditions are due by November 12. Thank you for your help!!
OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Guilford Homework Workers
We are ready to get started with Homework Helpers at Guilford. If you would like to make an impact on a couple of third graders by helping them with their homework once a week on Tuesdays from 2:30 – 3:25 pm, you can register here. Background check required.
OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: First Fruits Saturday, November 22
Would you like to do something where you can see hard work bring an immediate blessing to someone in need? Then join us for our annual First Fruits service day. Teams will rake leaves, spread mulch, etc. to raise money to buy food that day for area families in need, and to fund scholarships and gifts beyond that day. A huge part of what makes this event a success is you volunteering. If you are thinking of signing up, now is the time! The deadline is next week. You can also help by providing a JOB or referring someone in NEED. Please click here to sign up or to donate.
VIDEO: First Fruits
In this short video, learn about what First Fruits is, how you can get involved, and hear from three people whose lives have been impacted by this service project.
This benefit raises a large percentage of the ministry’s operating funds for the coming year. It’s free to attend and a great breakfast buffet is included. It will be held at Falls Church Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. To register, please click here. This year’s keynote speaker is David Nammo, CEO of Christian Legal Society, who is going to give a talk on God’s Love for the Poor.
Starts Wednesday, November 5
Here is the schedule of events:
- Wednesday: Opening Event (7:00-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary).
- Thursday: Women’s Bible Study (9:30-11:30 am).
- Friday: Hold the Ropes (9:30 am – noon). Sharing and Prayer with our missionaries.
- Friday: Banquet (6:45 – 9:00 PM). $15.00 per person, registration and prepayment is required.
- Sunday: Sunday Services Missionaries will be sharing in both services, Quest, Jr and Sr High, Bereans, AWANA and Iglesia Hispana.
Click here for more information or to register for any event.
PARENTING 101 (THE BASICS) Sunday, November 9 (11:00-12:15, Room 240)
Parenting 101 is a one-hour overview of the foundational principles that are found in the Scriptures for raising children of all ages. (Parenting 101 is a prerequisite for the other parenting courses and is required for parents who desire to have their child dedicated at RBC.) Click here to register.
COURAGEOUS MAMAS FELLOWSHIP: Wednesday, November 12 (7:00 pm)
Ever wonder how your child survives on just hot dogs? Join us for our next fellowship where we discuss food – ideas for creating more adventurous palates, recipe ideas and more. We are meeting at the home of Lauren Smith 12568 Quincy Adams Ct, Herndon. To RSVP or learn more, please e-mail Lauren.
MOM’S CONNECTION FELLOWSHIP: Friday, November 14 (9:30-11:30 am, Youth Building)
Come and meet Joni Young, who will share her very personal story of brokenness and redemption through seasons of trial and pain where she had to find her hope and joy in the Lord. As a mom of a blended family of 7, the most difficult job she’s ever had is a full-time home schooling mom. Don’t miss this powerfully impacting story called “Rescued and Redeemed.” The last day to register is Tuesday, November 11. Childcare (children 6 months and older) is limited and there is a small fee (scholarships are available), so register early. Infants are invited to stay with their mother. Coffee and snacks will be served! To register, click here.
HOMEFRONT DATE NIGHT: Friday, November 14 (6:30-9:30 pm, Clubhouse)
Tickle your tastebuds and grab the score card for this tasty night out with your spouse and the HomeFront community. Please bring one side to share and games are welcome for this couples’ potluck and game night. Register here for this free event.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Girls Night Out Monday, November 17 (7:00-9:00 pm)
Seasonal resets are clear transitions, but what does a spiritual reset really look like? Cheryl Ryan will examine the lives of several people from Scripture and their surprising and somewhat shocking resets, as well as, share about her own unexpected and startling reset. The evening will include some table talk, light hors d’oeuvres and yummy desserts. The cost for the event is $5.00 and you can register by clicking here. For more information visit here.
If you missed this year¹s Men¹s Retreat or want a refresher on Dr. Blackaby¹s teachings, audio and video of Living on God¹s Agenda is now available online.
DON’T FORGET: Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday
Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK Saturday night as DST officially ends at 2:00 am Sunday morning.
We hope you’ll consider some of these great opportunities as we seek to know Christ and make Him known. As always, keep an eye on the Upcoming Events section of the RBC website. It is a blessing to serve and grow in our mighty Lord with you.
Dale Peak